8 de outubro de 2019

O pântano sírio

Um pesadelo para Israel": o pântano enlouquece com a saída de Trump do norte da Síria

    8 de outubro de 2019

    Se você está se perguntando por que as criaturas do pântano estão perdendo a cabeça com relação ao plano do presidente Trump de retirar as tropas americanas do norte da Síria, esses tweets podem lhe dar uma pista sobre sua motivação.

    Veja se você pode notar um padrão.

    Senador republicana Lindsey Graham:

    I don’t believe it is a good idea to outsource the fight against ISIS to Russia, Iran, and Turkey.

    They don’t have America’s best interests at heart. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/turkey-announces-incursion-of-northeast-syria-us-backed-kurds-have-vowed-all-out-war 
    The most probable outcome of this impulsive decision is to ensure Iran’s domination of Syria.

    The U.S. now has no leverage and Syria will eventually become a nightmare for Israel.
    798 people are talking about this
    Trump’s decision in Syria is reckless and irresponsible.

    It green lights Iran to form a land bridge and target Israel.

    Kurds in Northern Syria could be wiped out.

    ISIS may rise again.

    Did Turkey promise the President dirt on a political opponent?
    658 people are talking about this
    While the President is right to demand that Europe do more to keep ISIS from regenerating, the Kurds have been our best armed allies in Iraq and Syria, and it would be wrong to abandon them now.
    Our small military presence in Syria stabilizes the region, deters Iran, protects Israel, and prevents a repeat of the humanitarian disaster triggered by the previous administration’s policies.
    See Rep. Don Bacon's other Tweets
    If reports about US retreat in are accurate, the Trump administration has made a grave mistake that will have implications far beyond Syria.
    It would confirm ’s view of this administration & embolden then to escalate hostile attacks which in turn could trigger much broader & more dangerous regional war.
    1,658 people are talking about this
    At this time we, Israelis, pray for the Kurd People who are under a brutal Turkish attack.

    The lesson for Israel is simple:

    Israel will ALWAYS defend itself by itself.

    The Jewish State will never put its fate in the hands of others, including our great friend, the USA.
    1,964 people are talking about this
    Perhaps Trump’s abandonment of our Kurdish allies will be a final wake up to those still convinced that he is a stalwart supporter of Israel. This president has no loyalty other than to himself.
    599 people are talking about this
    Since I’m in Israel, tweeting will be more sporadic than usual. So congratulations are in order all around!
    460 people are talking about this
    Abandoning the Kurds to the tender mercies of the Turkish government -- a government led by Islamist dictator Erdogan -- is a foreign policy disaster.
    6,175 people are talking about this
    Tablet/Forward writer Peter Fox:
    If you think Trump is a good friend of Israel, his abandonment of the Kurds in Syria is evidence that he’s not.
    34 people are talking about this
    Tão interessante ver os republicanos que na semana passada não conseguiram condenar os delitos óbvios de @ realDonaldTrump em relação à Ucrânia acordar e expressar horror à sua decisão de abandonar os curdos (e Israel, finalmente).
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    21 people are talking about this
    Don't let the lack of any formal response to US President @realDonaldTrump's dramatic reversal of policy and decision to remove troops from northern fool you, is deeply, deeply concerned about this step.https://www.jpost.com/International/Trumps-abandonment-of-Kurds-will-reinforce-Israels-sense-it-604006 
    77 people are talking about this
    Somente o presidente Trump pensou que suas vidas (e mortes) mereciam ser mencionadas:
    De acordo com o repórter da Bloomberg News, Nicholas Wadhams, "um alto funcionário do Departamento de Estado disse que o número de tropas retiradas no NE da Síria era menor que o número de pessoas na sala de reuniões (26) e de apenas dois postos avançados".
    In a briefing with reporters just now, a senior State Dept official said the number of troops being withdrawn in NE Syria was less than the number of people in the briefing room (26), and from only two outposts.
    505 people are talking about this

    Senior State Dept official also said withdrawal doesn't reflect change in US position -- Trump opposes Turkish incursion. Said it was done for 2 reasons: get troops out of harm's way if Turkey attacks, and to make sure US didn't tacitly support Turkish move with troop presence.
    The senior State Dept official also said the US priority is unchanged from what @secpompeo said in January: "the importance of ensuring that the Turks don’t slaughter the Kurds." But didn't say how the US would enforce that.
    153 people are talking about this

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