"Pessoascomodesinformadosecomoingênuoscomo os americanosnão têm futuro.Os americanos sãoum povo mortosem saber quea históriaestá prestes aatropelá-los".- PaulCraigRoberts
Nesta entrevista: -2015 seráo ano em quetodo o sistema entra emfraturas - Aalta do dólarvaiprejudicar a economiados EUA? - As chamadaspara umnovo padrão ouroem 2015
Nesta entrevista:
Serevelar a verdadeé agora 'é putaria', entãoque assim seja.Mr.Willieestá se comunicando comtoneladas de históriasque facilitam precisamente o queele está compartilhandocom a gente.Estou em buscade uma únicamoeda fiduciáriaquenãoacabará nestamesma catástrofeexata comoo resultado final.Até agora tenhosido incapaz de encontrarqualquerexemplona história.Levando em consideração omontanteda dívidaqueestá se afogando em, o número deoutros paísesque têm o mesmonó em voltade seus pescoçoscoletivose que oamericano típiconãotem uma únicapista do quereal dificuldadeé que euestou muitopreocupado sobre comoisso vaivir.Enquantoas famílias emIsraelou em outros paísesdo Oriente Médiovivemcom bombasexplodindoem uma base diáriaeos cristãos que vivemem paísespor milhares de anosestão sendoabatidosdiariamente.Americanosreclamame reclamamporque ocara na ruaquebrou as regrasHOAe tem umalata de lixoazul em vez deuma preta.Ou vocêlêos tweetsenviados pornossosamados filhossobre o queeles não conseguirampno Natal desteano?Você deve olharisso.Esse é o tipodeBSsuperficialque nós temosnossascalcinhastodosamontoadasaquinos EUA.
Agora, sabendode tudo issovisualizaruma dificuldadereal,manifestando-seem um país ondetodos essesmimados, cidadãosestragados,rasostêm todas as suasvantagenscómodasdespojadasde debaixo delesdurante a noite.Vaificar muitofeia emuito rápido.Aspessoasque aparecem nesses programasestão fazendoo seu melhor nívelpara avisartodos nós, para que possamossairdo caminho.Eu valorizoo fato de queeles se importamo suficiente parafalar para o nossobenefíciogratuitamente.Nem porum segundopensar queJimWillieestá sendopago para falarsobreesses shows mas Sim, eletemum negócio esimele cobrapor seus serviçosesimque ele recebepara ligarseunegóciopara nenhuma cargasobre essesshows, maseste vídeoagoratem14kpontos de vista queagrande maioriaprovavelmente já sãoávidos seguidores.Eleofereceum pedaço de ummonte deinformações que eunão poderia encontrarem meu própriogratuitamente paratodos nósque o tenha cuidadode ouvir.Eu estou umpouco de medo, mas não tantopara mim,mais medopor aquelesque nãotêm a menor idéiadoimbróglio em que estamos entrando.
Sua contribuição será usada para melhorar a qualidade da tradução e poderá ser exibida anonimamente a outros usuários.
Agradecemos o envio.
Definições de If
revealing the truth is now ‘fear porn’ then so be it. Mr. Willie is
communicating with tons of history that facilitates precisely what he is
sharing with us. I am in search of one single fiat currency that did
not end up in this exact same disaster as the end result. So far I have
been unable to find any such example in history. Taking into
consideration the amount debt we are drowning in, the number of other
countries that have the same noose around their collective necks and
that the typical American has not a single clue what real difficulty is I
am quite worried about how this is going to play out. While families in
Israel or other Middle Eastern countries live with bombs exploding on a
daily basis and Christians living in countries for thousands of years
are being slaughtered daily. Americans gripe and complain because the
guy down the street broke the HOA rules and has a blue trash bin instead
of a black one. Or did you read any of the Tweets sent out by our
beloved children about what they didn’t get for Christmas this year? You
should look that up. That is the kind of superficial BS that we get our
panties all bunched up over here in the US.
Now knowing all of this visualize a real hardship manifesting in a
country where all these spoiled, overindulged, shallow citizens have all
their cushy advantages stripped from under them over night. It’s going
to get very ugly very fast. The people on these shows are doing their
level best to warn all of us so we can get out of the way. I value the
fact that they care enough to speak out for our benefit for free. I
don’t for a second think that Jim Willie is being paid to speak on these
shows Yes he has a business and yes he charges for his services and yes
he gets to plug his business for no charge on these shows but this
video right now has 14k views which a vast majority are probably already
avid followers. He offers a heck of a lot of information I could not
find on my own for free to all of us that care to listen. I am a bit
afraid but not so much for myself-more afraid for those that don’t have a
clue of the mess we are in.
Sinônimos de If
revealing the truth is now ‘fear porn’ then so be it. Mr. Willie is
communicating with tons of history that facilitates precisely what he is
sharing with us. I am in search of one single fiat currency that did
not end up in this exact same disaster as the end result. So far I have
been unable to find any such example in history. Taking into
consideration the amount debt we are drowning in, the number of other
countries that have the same noose around their collective necks and
that the typical American has not a single clue what real difficulty is I
am quite worried about how this is going to play out. While families in
Israel or other Middle Eastern countries live with bombs exploding on a
daily basis and Christians living in countries for thousands of years
are being slaughtered daily. Americans gripe and complain because the
guy down the street broke the HOA rules and has a blue trash bin instead
of a black one. Or did you read any of the Tweets sent out by our
beloved children about what they didn’t get for Christmas this year? You
should look that up. That is the kind of superficial BS that we get our
panties all bunched up over here in the US.
Now knowing all of this visualize a real hardship manifesting in a
country where all these spoiled, overindulged, shallow citizens have all
their cushy advantages stripped from under them over night. It’s going
to get very ugly very fast. The people on these shows are doing their
level best to warn all of us so we can get out of the way. I value the
fact that they care enough to speak out for our benefit for free. I
don’t for a second think that Jim Willie is being paid to speak on these
shows Yes he has a business and yes he charges for his services and yes
he gets to plug his business for no charge on these shows but this
video right now has 14k views which a vast majority are probably already
avid followers. He offers a heck of a lot of information I could not
find on my own for free to all of us that care to listen. I am a bit
afraid but not so much for myself-more afraid for those that don’t have a
clue of the mess we are in.
Exemplos de If
revealing the truth is now ‘fear porn’ then so be it. Mr. Willie is
communicating with tons of history that facilitates precisely what he is
sharing with us. I am in search of one single fiat currency that did
not end up in this exact same disaster as the end result. So far I have
been unable to find any such example in history. Taking into
consideration the amount debt we are drowning in, the number of other
countries that have the same noose around their collective necks and
that the typical American has not a single clue what real difficulty is I
am quite worried about how this is going to play out. While families in
Israel or other Middle Eastern countries live with bombs exploding on a
daily basis and Christians living in countries for thousands of years
are being slaughtered daily. Americans gripe and complain because the
guy down the street broke the HOA rules and has a blue trash bin instead
of a black one. Or did you read any of the Tweets sent out by our
beloved children about what they didn’t get for Christmas this year? You
should look that up. That is the kind of superficial BS that we get our
panties all bunched up over here in the US.
Now knowing all of this visualize a real hardship manifesting in a
country where all these spoiled, overindulged, shallow citizens have all
their cushy advantages stripped from under them over night. It’s going
to get very ugly very fast. The people on these shows are doing their
level best to warn all of us so we can get out of the way. I value the
fact that they care enough to speak out for our benefit for free. I
don’t for a second think that Jim Willie is being paid to speak on these
shows Yes he has a business and yes he charges for his services and yes
he gets to plug his business for no charge on these shows but this
video right now has 14k views which a vast majority are probably already
avid followers. He offers a heck of a lot of information I could not
find on my own for free to all of us that care to listen. I am a bit
afraid but not so much for myself-more afraid for those that don’t have a
clue of the mess we are in.
Veja também
Traduções de If
revealing the truth is now ‘fear porn’ then so be it. Mr. Willie is
communicating with tons of history that facilitates precisely what he is
sharing with us. I am in search of one single fiat currency that did
not end up in this exact same disaster as the end result. So far I have
been unable to find any such example in history. Taking into
consideration the amount debt we are drowning in, the number of other
countries that have the same noose around their collective necks and
that the typical American has not a single clue what real difficulty is I
am quite worried about how this is going to play out. While families in
Israel or other Middle Eastern countries live with bombs exploding on a
daily basis and Christians living in countries for thousands of years
are being slaughtered daily. Americans gripe and complain because the
guy down the street broke the HOA rules and has a blue trash bin instead
of a black one. Or did you read any of the Tweets sent out by our
beloved children about what they didn’t get for Christmas this year? You
should look that up. That is the kind of superficial BS that we get our
panties all bunched up over here in the US.
Now knowing all of this visualize a real hardship manifesting in a
country where all these spoiled, overindulged, shallow citizens have all
their cushy advantages stripped from under them over night. It’s going
to get very ugly very fast. The people on these shows are doing their
level best to warn all of us so we can get out of the way. I value the
fact that they care enough to speak out for our benefit for free. I
don’t for a second think that Jim Willie is being paid to speak on these
shows Yes he has a business and yes he charges for his services and yes
he gets to plug his business for no charge on these shows but this
video right now has 14k views which a vast majority are probably already
avid followers. He offers a heck of a lot of information I could not
find on my own for free to all of us that care to listen. I am a bit
afraid but not so much for myself-more afraid for those that don’t have a
clue of the mess we are in.
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