Cameron: ISIS planejando atacar Reino Unido
DEBKAfile 18 de junho de 2014 15:31 (IDT)
Primeiro-ministro britânico David Cameron nesta quarta-feira advertiu que um "regime islâmico extremo no meio do Iraque" afetará a Grã-Bretanha, porque, Cameron disse ao Parlamento, "as pessoas nesse esquema .. Também estão planejando atacar-nos aqui em casa no Reino Unido." ele falou sobre os islâmicos internos juntando -se a Al Qaeda influenciado grupos: como ISIS, lutando na Síria e no Iraque. Testemunhas disseram que um homem branco falando "fluente Inglês britânico" Suspeito de ser da al-Shabaab levou comandos em um ataque de domingo a hotéis na cidade queniana de Mpeketoni no norte. Isso deixou 60 pessoas mortas. Um homem de pele clara, que falava ambos o inglês e árabe foi visto liderando o grupo de cerca de 40 homens fortemente armados que atacaram essa cidade.
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Definições de Cameron:
ISIS planning to attack UK
DEBKAfile June 18, 2014, 3:31 PM (IDT)
British Prime Minister David Cameron Wednesday cautioned that an
“extreme Islamist regime in the middle of Iraq” would affect Britain,
because, Cameron told parliament, “people in that regime…are also
planning to attack us here at home in the United Kingdom.” He spoke of
home-grown Islamists joining Al Qaeda influenced groups such as ISIS,
fighting in Syria and Iraq. Witnesses have said that a white man
speaking “fluent British English” led suspected al-Shabaab commandos in a
Sunday attack on hotels in the northern Kenyan town of Mpeketoni that
left 60 people dead. A pale-skinned man who spoke both English and
Arabic was seen leading the gang of some 40 gunmen that ransacked the
Sinônimos de Cameron:
ISIS planning to attack UK
DEBKAfile June 18, 2014, 3:31 PM (IDT)
British Prime Minister David Cameron Wednesday cautioned that an
“extreme Islamist regime in the middle of Iraq” would affect Britain,
because, Cameron told parliament, “people in that regime…are also
planning to attack us here at home in the United Kingdom.” He spoke of
home-grown Islamists joining Al Qaeda influenced groups such as ISIS,
fighting in Syria and Iraq. Witnesses have said that a white man
speaking “fluent British English” led suspected al-Shabaab commandos in a
Sunday attack on hotels in the northern Kenyan town of Mpeketoni that
left 60 people dead. A pale-skinned man who spoke both English and
Arabic was seen leading the gang of some 40 gunmen that ransacked the
Exemplos de Cameron:
ISIS planning to attack UK
DEBKAfile June 18, 2014, 3:31 PM (IDT)
British Prime Minister David Cameron Wednesday cautioned that an
“extreme Islamist regime in the middle of Iraq” would affect Britain,
because, Cameron told parliament, “people in that regime…are also
planning to attack us here at home in the United Kingdom.” He spoke of
home-grown Islamists joining Al Qaeda influenced groups such as ISIS,
fighting in Syria and Iraq. Witnesses have said that a white man
speaking “fluent British English” led suspected al-Shabaab commandos in a
Sunday attack on hotels in the northern Kenyan town of Mpeketoni that
left 60 people dead. A pale-skinned man who spoke both English and
Arabic was seen leading the gang of some 40 gunmen that ransacked the
Traduções de Cameron:
ISIS planning to attack UK
DEBKAfile June 18, 2014, 3:31 PM (IDT)
British Prime Minister David Cameron Wednesday cautioned that an
“extreme Islamist regime in the middle of Iraq” would affect Britain,
because, Cameron told parliament, “people in that regime…are also
planning to attack us here at home in the United Kingdom.” He spoke of
home-grown Islamists joining Al Qaeda influenced groups such as ISIS,
fighting in Syria and Iraq. Witnesses have said that a white man
speaking “fluent British English” led suspected al-Shabaab commandos in a
Sunday attack on hotels in the northern Kenyan town of Mpeketoni that
left 60 people dead. A pale-skinned man who spoke both English and
Arabic was seen leading the gang of some 40 gunmen that ransacked the
ISIS ataca refinaria de petróleo em Baiji
DEBKAfile 18 de junho de 2014 12:28 (IDT)
Militantes islâmicos lançaram na quarta-feira de manhã um assalto a maior refinaria de petróleo do Iraque no norte da cidade de Baiji. Fontes iraquianas e funcionários da refinaria relatam ataques de fogo de metralhadoras e morteiros e foguetes em duas das três entradas principais da instalação, a partir das 04:00, hora local. Funcionários estrangeiros foram evacuados na terça-feira, fechando a produção de cerca de 300.000 barris de petróleo por dia, em grande parte para o consumo local. Houve relatos de militantes destruindo lojas de petróleo depois de entrar no complexo.
Rouhani e o Hezbollah prontos para defender santuários xiitas no Iraque
DEBKAfile 18 de junho de 2014 24:37 PM (IDT)
O presidente iraniano, Hassan Rouhani, ecoado pelo líder do Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, prometeram nesta quarta-feira começar a enviar forças para defender santuários xiitas no Iraque contra os "terroristas e assassinos sunitas." Ele se referiu aos lugares santos xiitas nas cidades de Karbala, Najaf, Samarra e Khadhimiya. DEBKAfile cita relatórios de que o Irã retirou a maior parte das milícias xiitas iraquianas que lutam por Bashar Assad fora da Síria e implantando os contra ISIS no Iraque. Isto tem forçado Nasrallah a vir para cima com um extra de 1.000 combatentes para preencher a lacuna na Síria. Mais de 2.000 soldados iranianos já foram enviados para o Iraque, juntamente com Brigadas Al Qods do chefe o Gen. Qassem Soleimeni.
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